About Us

Our Mission: The Martha's House mission is to provide safe shelter while working to end homelessness.

Our Vision: The Martha's House vision is of a community where everyone has a home.

Our History: Martha's House was founded in December 2002, incorporated in September 2003, and opened our doors on January 1, 2004 to serve the needs of the homeless in Bloomington, Indiana. Named after Martha Register, a long time advocate for the poor and homeless, Martha's House is the only provider of individual emergency shelter and case management services in Monroe County that serves both men and women and does not require participation in religious services or is related to specific concerns (such as domestic violence or addiction recovery) as a condition of shelter.

Martha's House Inc. Office
1010 S. Walnut Street
Bloomington, IN 47401
Office Phone: (812) 336-2597
Martha’s House Inc. Shelter
919 S. Rogers Street
Bloomington, IN. 47401
Shelter Ph: (812) 332-1444

Board Members Board Position Address Home Number Work Number Cell Number Email Address Affiliation
Baker, Jack board member 905 S Madison 336-0323 855-2241 N/A ajbaker@indiana.edu Indiana university
Davis, Debra Traylor board member 735 S Boswell Court 825-7353 349-2049 325-0054 davedeb10@bluemarble.net deputy Prosecutor
Emery,Jean board member 4785 Brair Gate 935-8226 330-5520 325-5183 jemery@unitedcommercebank.com United Commerce Bank
Giordano, Pete Ex-officio N/A N/A N/A N/A giordanp@bloomington.in.gov City of Bloomington
Hamilton, Susie Vice President 1001 E Winslow Road 332-3992 N/A 606-8377 abshamil@indiana.edu retired
Hill, Francie Board member Justice Bldg., 301 N College 349-2634 349-2634 327-5761 fhill@co.monroe.in.us Judge
McMath, Mark Treasurer 4598 E Compton Blvd. 323-8133 353-9557 322-4200 mmcmath@bloomhelath.org financial officer
Miller, Robert President 2369 Linden Hill Road 336-7512 349-2824 606-3202 rtmiller@co.monroe.in.us Chief Deputy
Murray, Patrick Secretary 525 W 3rd Street 323-6268 855-8223 N/A pmurray@indiana.edu Indiana University
Regester, Jim board member 328 S Walnut Street 822-0706 323-1231 322-4446 regerster@homefinder.org realtor
Regester, Martha board member 3211 E Moores Pike 339-1010 N/A N/A N/A retired
West, Sue board member 2051 S Ramsey Drive 331-8086 332-9495 320-5067 swest@bigredliquors.com Big Red Liquirs
Summers, Bobbie Executive Director 409 E University 822-0751 355-6841 N/A bsummers409@hotmail.com Martha's House

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